Pseudo Prose

Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Ledge Dancing
Ever feel like you're on the verge of several major changes in your life? Like standing on a windswept bluff under gray skies. Inching closer to the edge. Looking down into a seemingly endless fall. Knees shaking. Stomach tightening.

The fear of what lies after the leap.

I've been standing on several cliffs. Tepidly testing the foundation of each rim, not unlike dipping a toe into the stagnant pool just to make sure it's warm enough for the rest of you. Problem is, the foundations don't tell you much. They may appear solid and supporting, but once you step onto them, they give like a $2 plastic chair.

I don't care. Lately I want to take as many leaps as possible. I've already taken two. And they have brought me to saturated exhaustion. This boy is exhausted. Hashed. Tucked. But still running for the next ledge.

Now I'm peering off another. It looks tantalizing. It's a little scary as well. I'm trying to test the temperature, but I feel nothing. Nothing but the damp air. It's refreshing and feels good on the skin.

I think I'll take another leap.
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Musical Revolutions
Music is the only true savior. It takes on so many variations and appeals to every individual on so many varying levels. It awakens senses, memories. . .holds a lot of power in sentimentality. It can evoke every emotion: Anger, joy, sadness, despair. It is truly an expression.

I've been playing music for years. Well, I've primarily been a percussionist, and most people feel this is the least musical of the instruments. But it is the root of them all. And I try to consider myself to be a musical drummer. Hows that for self-fulfillment.

Here's a band I've been involved with for a while. Knoxturnal. The brain child of Chirs Knox, who is a wonderfully gifted and unique individual. Extremely talented, funny and well-liked. Kind of a smart-ass, too. But that's his beauty.

You should hear some of the music. The lyrics are quite enligtening as well.

You've heard the joke, right? What do they call a guy who hangs around with musicians?
A drummer.
Enlightenment is often an accident. An unanticipated act of introspection, an unscheduled epiphany, an unguarded moment of open mind. We should all allow such possibilities. I need it the most. Thus my completely ambiguous Blog. I am in the stage of discovery. Where everything is ripe for knowledge and I want to view all sides. Learn all the intracacies. Know the truth in the end. Even if the truth is never exposed.

This can include politics, music, history, sociology. Primarily I am interested in human behavior and the nature of our social infrastructure and how it is affected by technology and mass media. Awareness.

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